Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Sunburned! ~ #Life

Did you get sunburned?  The horrible thing that I don't wish it upon anyone.

So what to do?

  • Take some pain reliever (aspirin or ibuprofen) which will reduce the inflammation 
  • Put apply a cool cloth on the area
  • Depending how server it is, take frequent cool showers/bath without soap or scrubs - water only
  • Apply lotions containing Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera (if you have any) to the area to help it to heal faster.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent from dehydration
  • Wear loose clothing and wear sunscreen to prevent further damage
  • However if you are running a fever, go see a doctor because you might have heatstroke

The best way to treat a sunburn is not to get one at all.  So don't forget to apply sunscreen all over including your lips, every two hours or more often.  Have fun!

Some of my Sunscreen Collection


  1. Although I had loaded up on the proper amount of sunscreen when we went to the beach, I managed to fall asleep lying on my belly for over an hour. The resulting sunburn was itchy and painful. I used lots of aloe lotion and it seemed to help. I also took some Tylenol for the pain and some Benadryl for extreme itchiness. I am just lucky I woke up when I did! I felt so stupid!

    1. That is horrible. I knew a co-worker who didnt put sunscreen when she went up to a cottage. Then they got lost on a boat ride so have been driving around for over an hour and she was red like a lobster for days. Hey it happens. I am glad you woke up when you did...

    2. I am finally over the burn but boy did do a number to my skin. I cannot emphasize more the importance of putting on the right amount of sunblock especially if you are going to be out for awhile!

  2. Oh Heidi, that sounds so painful! I am fortunate for having skin that doesn't really burn. I did fall asleep in the sun while vacationing in Spain last summer, and had a really mild burn. I agree that aloe vera is amazing for burns.

    1. Same here. Knock on wood but I have not been sunburned yet. But I do get a ready dark tan.

  3. I took my nephews to the water park one day, made sure I kept applying it to them but totally forgot about myself and I paid for it. Ended up having to go to the doctor about the burn on my back. It was not fun! I do have to admit I have been much better at remembering to keep the sunscreen on since then.

    1. Oh no! That is terrible. Yes, I bet it does.

  4. I have avoided burning for the past few years as I just avoid the sun mostly! My daughter was prone to heat exhaustion as a child, even now as an adult she doesn't do well in the sun so we just stay indoors a lot.

    1. I am not much for tanning. I like to hide in the shade.

  5. Aloe Vera is my best friend when burned. Luckily I don't burn easy though. Usually just the beginning of summer.

  6. I'm a huge fan of the Hawaiian Tropic line, I really like their new products. I try to avoid burns but sometimes it happens.

  7. Great tips! I really like the Hawaiian after sun lotion. It never even occurred to me to use something after being out in the sun.

  8. I got a burn over the long weekend where I missed with the sunscreen. I have been applying the after sun moisturizer every morning and everynight, I hardly peeled. It really helped ease the soreness.

  9. I avoid going out when it's very hot, I'm extremely fair skinned and I'm also on a medication that you're not supposed to be in the sun because it will cause you to burn easier. I've had heat stroke twice and it's it's horrible! The only thing that ever helped me was a prescription ointment the doctor gave me one time, it was silver something or other and it was wonderful!

    1. wow, that is horrible. I knew someone who also needs prescription "sunscreen" too. I didnt know its that bad.

  10. I'm usually quite careful not to stay out in the sun for long periods of time. I put sunscreen on every morning, but don't always reapply it unless I'm planning to be out a lot. Fortunately I don't burn too easily.

  11. wow thanks for the great info ! be careful out in the sun and happy summer all !

  12. Horrible burns are the worst! The aloe soothes for sure. We used to use tepid water and vinegar and for some reason that would help take the sting away.

  13. Debbie White Beattie27 April 2018 at 22:21

    I would love to try these SPF products
