Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Let's eat Cake! with McCain: Deep'n Delicious ~ #Review

I was invited to a lunchon to meet with Tori Spelling about her new book, celebraTORI: Unleashing Your Inner Party Planner to Enterain Friends and Family, and the relaunch of McCain's Deep'n Delicious cakes with better ingredients.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the event but they did send me some coupons to pick some cakes at the stores to try them out.

McCain was one of my childhood treats while growing up.  I remember they were $2 each and didn't have many flavours/choices.  I think they were also bigger or I have gotten bigger and noticed things are just getting smaller.

The relaunch of their classic McCain Deep'n Delicious Cake (Chocolate, Marble, and Vanilla flavours) "that are now with better ingredients as part of the company's McCain It's All Good commitment to make foods with real ingredients like you'd find in your own kitchen."   Hmmm, I wonder
what was in them before.  I am not into the habit of reading labels when I am purchasing food (I know I should).  The relaunch also introduced two new McCain Deep'n Delicious cakes - Carrot and Apple Caramel, which are make with real cream cheese icing.

My daughter and I tried the Apple & Caramel and the Carrot cake.  My daughter loves the Apple and I love the Carrot cake.  I think she likes the Apple cake more because it is a bit sweeter and learning the other cake was carrot she automatically vitoed it every time, bit after awhile she did tried a bit with some encouragement.  There is just enough cream cheese icing on the cake to make each bite perfect.  I would have loved to have more on it but that might be too sweet.  I would also love it to come in a bigger sized cake. It was all gone before I knew what happened.  Both cakes tastes amazing and I believe they will be a hit when I use them for my next dinner party.

I am not the only one who loves these cakes, even Tori Spelling.  "When I first tried the new McCain Deep'n Delicious cakes I feel in love with the Carrot Cake and the kids did too!" McCain press release

This summer, McCain will be releasing three new Deep'n Delicious cream pies - Cookies & Cream, Double Chocolate, and Coconut Cream.  They all sound amazing, especially the coconut cream pie.  I wonder what next new cakes they might launch next - Red Velvet? Pineapple Upside Down Cake? Tiramisu?

McCain Deep'n Delicious are available at major grocery store chains across Canada and retails for $4.99-$5.99 each.

*Disclosure - The product in this review was provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Oh my! I love Deep N Delicious cakes, but I've mostly stuck to the chocolate one! I'm very excited for the Double Chocolate to come out! These are heaven!!

  2. I love carrot cake in any form so I can't wait to try this! Sounds "deep and delicious"! (Too bad you missed the even with Tori Spelling - would have loved to hear about that!)

  3. My youngest daughter adores Deep N Delicious Cakes! The new flavours sound amazing and so do your suggestions!

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  4. I've only had the classic chocolate McCain cake - never knew they had other yummy flavours!

  5. Mc Cain deep and delicious taste wonderful and they are one of my guilthiest pleasures

  6. Our kids used to love when I'd bring one of these home - always a treat!
    My rafflecopter name is Julie G.

  7. My family loves those cakes, and I like that I don't have to bake it:), thank you:)

  8. I've always enjoyed their chocolate cakes but now I'm dying to try that Apple Caramel. I had no idea they had new flavors. Thank-you for letting us know.

  9. mmm I love Deep'n Delicious cakes. I always go for the marble cakes but I had no idea they have apple caramel and carrot! I'm going to have to try the double chocolate one too.

  10. I want to try the carrot cake! My husband LOVES the deep n delicious chocolate cake. Every year when I ask him what kind of cake he wants for his birthday, he always responds with ' the chocolate deep n delicious!"

  11. I've got to try the carrot and the apple caramel flavors! They sound yummy! By the way, you can still get them for $2 quite often at M&M Meats. I believe they're on for that price until tomorrow :)

    1. I didnt know that. I have never shopped at M&M meats before. I dont live nearby to one but thanks for the heads up!

  12. I haven't tried the new McCain's Deep'n Delicious cakes yet, but I love the original chocolate and marble cakes. (My Rafflecopter name is Cheryl Grandy).

  13. I love their Deep'n Delicious Carrot Cake it is so moist and just enough cream cheese to satisfy my taste buds. In my house it is McCain's Chocolate Cake all the way with everyone else.

  14. When I was a kid we always had one of these in the freezer and you could just cut out a piece and put it back in! They were awesome!

  15. I've never had a McCain Deep'n Delicious Cake but from what everybody is saying here they must be really delicious.

  16. I like the apple one.

  17. Debbie White Beattie29 April 2018 at 04:12

    As a kid I remember liking the topping so much that I would scrape it off and leave the cake and my mother would go crazy when she found it.
