Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Update ~ #Life

Wanted to say I hoped everyone had a great long weekend.  I, myself have been really busy with the kiddies now that school is out and trying to keep them busy.  That being said, I have been racking my brains working on a few more giveaways and content for the blog.  I am hoping you are enjoying them so far.  I have been keeping a look out for more Canadian coupons so hopefully I might stumble on more these coming weeks.  I am planning to give some out on my Facebook page very soon - you might never know when...

My goal this summer is to lose roughly 10 lbs with the help of PGX.  It was a rough start and I still have not gotten the grove yet on this diet.  I have to admit that I love food.  It is so difficult to find the time to go for my run.  I know some who don't use an MP3 player to work out but I can't live without mine.  I need the motivation and I have alot of fast beat songs to help me reach the next step.

Just wanted to keep you guys updated and say thanks for following.



  1. Cute post ! MP3 player is also a must for me to work out, music really motivates me.

  2. Hope you had a good long weekend as well! Thanks for checking in -- I noticed you haven't been posting as much, and I'm glad to hear you're taking time to spend with your family.

    I'm rooting for you to meet your weight loss goals!! I also have fitness goals that I'm working towards this summer, and it's been tough to get into a groove, so I can relate. We can totally do this though!

  3. Good luck with the diet! I enjoy exercise but the diet(food restriction) is the hard part for me.

  4. Enjoy your time with your daughters! I hope you all had a wonderful Canada Day!

    I, unfortunately, can relate to the loving of food! lol

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  5. Thanks for the PGX update - I was anticipating your next post on the subject... I hope things pop into place for you soon!

  6. Best of luck! I find summer a good time as it is so hot anyways I don't want to eat a big meal.

  7. I heard PGX products are wonderful
