Sunday, 28 July 2013

Kendra Thornton Shares her Travel Health Tips ~ #Guest Blogger

Planning to go on a vacation?  I have a treat for you today.  You may have read her guest post before in other blog sites and now she has landed here, on mine.  Guest Blogger, Kendra Thornton who has alot of travelling in her life, and wants to share with you her 5 most important health tips for traveling.

5 Important Travel Health Tips 

As summer gets into full swing, more and more families are planning vacations. As exciting and fun as vacations are, it is extremely important that parents make healthy decisions before and during their vacation in order to keep their children—and themselves—safe and happy.


1. EAT A SUBSTANTIAL BREAKFAST BEFORE DAY TRIPS: Taking your kids on day trips to amusement parks is, without a doubt, one of the most fun mini-vacations a family can do. As exciting as it is the morning of the trip, and as much as everyone just wants to get on the road, breakfast is essential! Eating breakfast at home will help you save money and make sure your family is eating good, nutritious food to get them energized for the day ahead. Whether on the road or walking about your destination, pack healthy snacks to keep your kids also hydrated and nourished throughout the day!

2. RECREATE SLEEPING ENVIRONMENT FOR BABIES AND SMALL CHILDREN: If you’re going to be away from home for multiple days, try to recreate your small child’s home sleeping environment. Bring stuffed animals, noise machines, pacifiers, swaddles, sheets and anything else you think may comfort your baby during the nights away from home. It may seem like a pain, but you will be glad you did. I always search through hotels on Gogobot to find family-friendly reviews. For example, when my family went to Florida I searched through the list of Orlando hotels and found a spot that had a quiet hours policy so my kids were ensured a complete night’s rest!

 3. STOP FREQUENTLY DURING LONG CAR RIDES: Many families choose to drive to their vacation destinations. Although this can be a great adventure, you must be sure to take certain precautions. Stopping frequently is important because it will allow children to get rid of excess energy that builds up because of sitting still for so long in the car. Whether you stop at rest stops for bathroom breaks or parks to allow your kids to run around for a bit, it will help with restlessness.

4. ALWAYS KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CHILDREN AROUND WATER: It seems like common sense, but it never hurts to have a reminder. Kids love water, but it can be extremely dangerous. Be sure to put life jackets on them when they are not only in the water, but also on a boat. Many places allow you to rent lifejackets, but it is also a good idea to bring them from home in case you cannot find a rental.

 5. MAKE SURE YOUR CHILDREN WASH THEIR HANDS: An SCA survey notes that four out of ten people have seen someone leave the bathroom without washing their hands. As disgusting as this is, you can help prevent the spread of germs by being absolutely sure your children wash their hands as frequently as possible. It’s never too late for a vacation away! With summer in full swing get out there and take a getaway with your family! I hope these tips come in handy and remember, have fun and stay safe!

Kendra Thornton - A mother of 3.  Before being promoted to the full time position of mommy, she was the former Orbitz director of communications.  She has been to 28 countries on 6 continents and have been quoted in the news about seasonal travel trends and destinations all over the United States.

*Disclosure - This article was provided to me by Kendra Thornton.  All opinions expressed in this are not influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Thanks for the tips Kendra! We are huge road-trippers and I find that one and three make a huge difference in energy levels and attitudes.

  2. When my kids were little, we used to do lots of road trips, including one all the way from Victoria to Ontario. We kept busy alot of the time by singing songs as a group (there were 5 of us) Great tips!


    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  3. I think those are great tips! My little ones aren't quite big fans of flying yet, so we tend to do mini road trips throughout the year. I know as adults, we like to go as far as we can in a short period of time, but it's really true that with little ones you need frequent stops.

  4. These are some great tips and when I traveled with my little ones that one and three were essential plus the hand washing

  5. #3 is a must for me. I get bored super fast lol.

  6. These are great tips. I especially agree with tip number 1. Eating a healthy breakfast is a must for getting your day off to a great start!

  7. These are all great tips to remember!

  8. lets not forget health insurance if you are leaving the country even for just a day ! why take a chance

  9. All of these are great tips ~ especially to remember #1 when we are in a rush to leave!

  10. Love the tips....especially tip #1 and 3

  11. Thank you for the tips! #5 is so important. The fact that people don't totally grosses me out. It's why I love hand sanitizer! Lol!

  12. Thanks for the travel tips I think they are great for me!

  13. Health insurance is also needed. It is insane what the US will charge for simple doctor or emergency room visit.

  14. Thanks for some great tips. I agree with Christy that health insurance is very important, accidents happen and if you're in the US it is incredibly expensive. We used to drive a lot to reach our destination and breaks were greatly appreciated, not just by the kids but by me too :-)

  15. Debbie White Beattie30 April 2018 at 02:44

    There's some great tips and advice here and I really wish that travel was still in the cards for me
