Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Body Shop: Spa Fit ~ Review

Its time to get ready for Spring and Summer after many months of being cooped up indoors.  Its time to shape up and looking your best.  The Body Shop introduces their new spa fit firming & toning gel-cream massager.  The gel has 100% natural-origin actives with a built in spa-massager for extra toning action.

It contains:
Grapefruit essential oil - high concentration of vitamin C - lypolitic effects
Lemonpeel essential oil - draining properties
Natural caffeine - draining, firming and sliming properties

The 'palper-rouler' (palpate and roll) technique is a sub-dermal tissue massage that stimulate mico-circulation and is though to be highly effective in reducing cellulite

Its is suggested to apply two or three times a week

Step 1 - turn it on
Step 2 - move in circular motion from top to bottom with problem areas
Step 3 - rub the products with your hands to ensure the products is all absorbed

It contains Community Fair Trade organic aloe vera from Guatemala

It claims to make you feel you took a trip to the spa without leaving the house.

I found it very easy to use.  I just twist the massager and then squeeze the tube.  I have to remember to rub it in gently because the massage is not as soft as I thought.  The cream has both a citrus and medicated scent.  Since it is on my legs I'm not able to smell it.  Once I rubbed it into my legs I could feel a cooling sensation.  I have no idea if I felt like I was in a spa since it has been eons since I have been to one.  However, my legs do feel nice and hydrated. After I apply the cream I wished there was a cap for the massager since the cream is all over it.  I guess, I could just wash it off but it would have been nice to have item.  I have only been using this a few times and I bet when I combine this and my daily runs I could definitely see some results.

*Disclosure - The product in this review was provided to me free of cost for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Thats a nifty gadget. I'd be interested in hearing how it works for you long term.

  2. Like Guppy, I'd love to hear an update later on!

  3. How strange, but cool! Did it work?

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